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10 pieces of Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Life Advice!

J-Bobs <3 the environment!


yummy earf

I understand that blogging leaves a carbon footprint. I understand how all of my artwork affects the environment, alongside my various other human activities. I want to do my best to learn and live sustainably, while inspiring others to share my Eco-Friendly mindsets. As much as I want to preach and share my knowledge, I also want to forever be learning and growing. If you have any tips or constructive criticism for me, send it to :)

Eco-Friendly Life Advice:

  1. Be grateful for what you have. Repair your tools. Reuse scrap materials. Use all of your assets to their maximum potential.

  2. Shop consciously. Choose paper, glass, or metal packaged products over plastic when possible. Bring your own bag. Support eco-friendly businesses. Take responsibility for the ecological impact of what you consume.

  3. Garden. Fuck the grocery stores, they don't need your money! Grow your own fruits, veggies, herbs, spices, and medicine! You are in charge of your destiny!

  4. Collect rainwater. You can easily hook a collection system up to your gutter. You can then use that free freshwater however you please! I would suggest hooking it up to a sprinkler system on a timer to water your garden ;)

  5. Kill your lawn. Embrace biodiversity. Plant native species, flowers, and food forests. Research solarpunk and feel gitty about it.

  6. Compost. Food scraps are horribly polluting in a landfill, however, they're nutrient dense and become great fertilizer for your food forest! Use all your assets to their maximum potential!

  7. Don't buy disposable vapes. Vaping is bad in general, don't ever start. If you are already addicted to vaping, buy a refillable one. You will save so much money, and create so much less waste. It's insane that we are pumping out disposable technology that lasts a month at max and creates toxic waste. Also, cigarette butts have plastic in them. Throw them out not on the ground for fucks sake god damn it.

  8. Research your local recycling. Learn about different plastics and what the symbols mean. Learn how your community recycles. Recycle.

  9. Generate your own green energy. Buy a solar pannel. Fight global warming. In many parts of the United States you can get these costs subsidised by your contribution to the energy grid.

  10. Remember! The planet isn't dying, it's being killed. The capitalists responsible have names and addresses. Radicalize yourself.

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