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Good Morning Humans,
my name is:

  • Cartoon

  • Him.

  • Caricature of Jake Cosentino

  • Est. 06 - 14 - 2019

  • Death: 4 - 6 - 2020, 12 - 25 - 2021

  • Bread Boy Pirates - Captain

  • Demon - Lv. 1

  • Vampire

  • Ketchup hater

  • Soundcloud
  • Spotify
  • Apple Music
  • Youtube
  • TikTok


J-Bobs was created as a caricature of Jake Cosentino; living within an alternate reality to our own.  Although his entire basis for existence is dependent upon the creative energy of Jake; J-Bobs exists separately from his creator, having his own: thoughts, words, actions, and life.


J-Bobs was created in 2019 alongside his debut single Weebsong. He continued to create edgy comedic music until he was run over by an Acura while skating and died. J-Bobs went to hell, but luckily the demons there liked his music and saw potential. They gave him a second shot at life in exchange for shoutouts and his soul. 


While back on Earth, J-Bobs had a new sense of confidence and invincibility. He listened to the demons and tirelessly worked on his next album Amen. Unfortunately, while making the beautiful ~ Fading Away ~ J-Bobs fucking killed himself. The demons weren't too happy with him this time around and subjected him to infinite torture. It was brutal. J-Bobs, however, enjoyed the torture.


Smiling through the pain, J-Bobs began to turn into a demon. His fingers turned into claws, and pupils into crosses. This was noticed by the demons who were not happy. The Devil himself, not wanting J-Bobs to be his demon; ripped his heart out and left him for dead. 


J-Bobs dying body was found by Spek, who flew him back to the overworld. In an act of desperation to save his little brother, Spek brought J-Bobs to the Vampire BBBB666. She revived the limp J-Bobs and fell in love, but J-Bobs didn't feel quite right. Without his human heart, J-Bobs wasn't himself. He and his newfound friends journeyed back into Hell to steal his heart back from Satan.


Satan wouldn't give it up without a fight. The battle was epic, you should read my graphic novel (it hasn't come out yet) They end up killing the Devil and J-bobs is given the opportunity to become the new devil. Instead, J-Bobs restarts the cycle of reincarnation and frees all the damned souls. With his heart back in place J-Bobs finally feels good again as a Demon-Vamp-Circus boy.


Now J-Bobs is free at last, starting his own pirate crew to venture the wild world.


Don't be weird pls

Snap: Jake_C0s

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